Bill Post an Abatement

Description of Issue

An abatement needs to be Bill Posted. 

  • 2019.1+
  • Abatement Entry
  • Bill Post

An abatement needs to be applied to a bill, but not posted to the General Ledger. 

  1. An abatement will need to be entered first. Please follow the steps here to enter an abatement: Enter an Abatement in a Batch in Abatement Entry
  2. Pull up the abatement that needs to be bill posted. If you need to search for the record, please follow the steps here: Find an Abatement Within an Abatement Entry Batch
  3. With the record on the screen, click Bill Post in the top ribbon. 
  4. A message displays at the bottom of the screen: The bill(s) has been updated with the abatement(s).
Additional Information