Posting budget year code 2 transactions via Accounting Entries does not correctly update the Project Ledger

Description of Issue

Posting budget year code 2 (carryforward) transactions via Accounting Entries does not correctly update the Project Ledger (Expense or Funding Source String)

For GEN journals, the actuals header/summary amount is updated but detail does not display. Project Balance Check reports the amount as an issue that should be zeroed.
For BUA journals, the transfer header/summary amount is not updated and no detail displays. Project Balance Check does not see the transaction to correct.

  • Accounting Entries

  • Project Master

  • Project Inquiry

  • Project Expense String

  • Project Funding Source String


Transaction type updated incorrectly on the ProjectJournalLines table


The work ticket MUN-372160 is currently open with Development to address the posting issue.

Contact Munis Financial General Ledger Support for assistance correcting the Project Journal Lines. Access to SQL will be required.

Additional Information

For now, Budget Year Code 2 (carryforward) transactions should be posted via the genero programs (General Journal Entry/Proof or Budget Transfers and Amendments).Â