How To Change The Date On A Receipt

How To Change The Date On A Receipt

Description of Issue

Date On Receipt Needs to be corrected


  • UB Classic

  • Receipts 

  • Transfer Of Overpayments


Did a Transfer of Overpayment and entered incorrect date. 


Receipt dates cannot be updated. Transfer will need to be reversed and reentered with the correct dates. 

  1. Navigate to General Revenues>Payment Processing>Payment Batch Reversals

  2. Click Define.

  3. Add the batch number of the Transfer From Receipt. 

  4. Choose Receipt, Transfer From Bill as the Content Type.

  5. From here Munis will determine if the targeted batch is posted or unposted, letting the user know that if the batch was not posted it would create new reversal receipts within the existing batch or if posted Munis will now create a new batch with the reversal receipts. 

  6. Choose a Reason

  7. Output Release the Payment Batch Reversal. 

  8. Use Payments Journal to post the existing batch or post the new batch to create a General Ledger entry. 

  9. Re-run apply Transfer of over payment process   Property Revenues > Payment Processing > Transfer Of Overpayments 

Any further issues or if there are any errors encountered during the above procedure, please contact Utility Billing Support. 

Additional Information

 When a Transfer of Overpayment is created, whether posted or unposted this program creates a Transfer From and a Transfer To receipt record. Therefore, when performing a reversal of an existing Transfer of Overpayment both the Transfer From and Transfer To records must be reversed to complete a Transfer of Overpayment Reversal correctly