No records printing from Detail Receivables by Date

Description of Issue
  • Detail Receivables by Date is selecting but not outputting records when the option to Print bill summary is unselected.

  • Detail Receivables by Date selecting records but not printing by totals only.

  • Detail Receivables by Date selects records but is not providing output when run only to Print charge summary.

  • Munis 2019.1 and up

  • Accounts Receivable

  • AR

  • Detail Receivables by Date

  • arthrudt



AR development is currently researching the issue.

As a workaround, please run the report and choose the options to Print bill summary and Print charge summary. This will cause the program to run for a longer period of time and output a much larger report. The last pages of the report will contain the totals section that is desired.

Additional Information