On Hold comments display differently in Field Work and WO Management causing Unexpected Errors

Description of Issue

Completing a work order in Field Work that was previously in an On Hold status generates an Unexpected Error




Work orders put on Hold from Work Order Management are displaying the status change comment next to the status and that comment is not being removed when the work order is no longer on hold


Install MUN-434528 once it's been released

Workaround options:

  • Using Field Work to place work order On Hold instead of Work Order Management will not display the on hold comment next to the status

  • Using Work Order Management to close work orders instead of Field Work will not generate an error even if the on hold comment is still visible next to the status

  • If the status change comment is still visible next to the work order status in Field Work after the work order is no longer on hold, manually changing the status of the work order to In Progress from Work Order Management will remove the comment and allow the work order to be closed from Field Work

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