Classic Bank Reconciliation - How can we update the GL Book Balance

Description of Issue

Issues with the GL Book Balance in Classic bank reconciliation


Classic Bank Reconciliation

Cash Management


GL Book Balance is incorrect


If the GL Book Balance needs to be something different than the automatic calculation that MUNIS completes (please see the Additional information section below), then it can be updated in:

MUNIS > Financials > Cash Management > Bank Reconciliation > Bank Reconciliation

a. Click Search

b. Type in the Bank Code, Bank Account and Effective dates

c. Click Accept

d. Click Update

e. Enter the needed GL Book Balance amount

f. Click Accept


Please keep in mind when updating any of the values available to change, the next time a change is made to this Bank Reconciliation record or a recalc is done MUNIS is going to recalculate the amounts according to the posted journals which will update all the manually entered values changing them back to the correct journal calculated amounts. 

Additional Information

The GL Book Balance is a calculation of:

  1. All Journals posted

  2. To the General Ledger Accounts that are tied to the Bank code/Bank Account

  3. Within the Effective date range - From: first day of the Year        To: last day on the Bank reconciliation record

  4. Please see Classic Bank Reconciliation - Calculating the GL Book Balance for information on verifying the GL Book Balance