No employees being reported with TIA designation in TX PEIMS Class Roster Winter file

Description of Issue

Work ticket MUN-434562 was installed and the Teacher Incentive Allotment Designation Code is not being reported in the Class Roster Winter submission file. 

  • Payroll

  • Texas

  • TX PEIMS XML Files


Teacher Incentive Allotment setup had not been completed. 


Employee Certification records need to be created for any employee that needs to be reported with a Teacher Incentive Allotment Designation Code for Class Roster Winter.

The Type code used in Employee Certifications should uniquely identify Teacher Incentive Allotment Designation Code, and will need to be defined on the TX PEIMS XML Files screen.

The Area field on the Employee Certification record should match the CODE value on the TSDS Code Table DC165. 

Additional Information

For step by step instructions, reference TX TSDS - Class Roster Winter