Detail Receivables by Date Report - Error Prepare bill count failed

Description of Issue

When utilizing the detail receivables to select records for any category (cat 20, 21, 25, etc) this error message is popping up preventing them from selecting. Munis (arthurudt) Prepare bill_count failed. -201

  • Detail Receivables By Date


A field was most likely left without being filled in.

  1. Verify all fields in the Detail receivables by date report were filled in.

  2. Some of the fields contain ranges, so filling both fields for the start of the range and end of the range may work.

  3. Verify unpaid bills checkbox has a 0 value in start and the typical 9999999.99 in the end range value.

  4. Try to run the detail receivables by date report as more fields are verified to be filled in and the report should run once all missing values are in.

  5. If missing field is still unknown, try redefining report using Define, Accept, Reset, Accept.

    1. This will auto-fill all the fields that are supposed to be filled in, from here make sure to double check that all the fields have the correct values.

Additional Information

Please contact Tax support with any additional questions.