Employees are not generating into the payroll
Two employees with the same type of pay codes, but one is generating into the payroll the other is not. For the employee that is not generating in, when I force longevity amount on the Job/Salary, the employee comes in.
Payroll Control Settings
Payroll Control Setting Include Emps With Pay = 0 was set to N.
In the Generate Earnings and Deductions program the base pays were excluded from generating into the payroll in the Exclude Earnings folder. The employee that was not generating into the payroll did not have enough time with the organization to earn a longevity pay for the payroll, so their pay was equal to 0.00. Other pays for the employee also equaled 0.00. The Payroll Control Setting was restricting employees with zero pay from generating into the payroll.
To change the setting, navigate to the Payroll Control Settings Program
Payroll>Payroll Setup>Payroll Control Settings
Use the Filter option to narrow down the results of items shown in the Browse list
Click the Filter icon and enter *EMPS* in the text box
Select Label from the drop-down list
Press Go
Select the Include Emps With Pay=0 setting that is displayed
Click Accept to view the setting
Click Update
Change the Value field from 'N' to 'Y' by selecting the value from the Field Help icon
Click Accept to save the record
The payroll will need to be regenerated to utilize the change that was made in Payroll Control Settings