Balance Sheet Report - Net Change displays incorrect or blank values

Description of Issue

When running the Balance Sheet report for CY period 00, the Compute from last year's end balance and Include YTD change options become available, and when enabled the output shows the Net change for year as 0.00 or blank when there is a prior year balance and activity for the CY.

  • Balance Sheet Report 


  •  MUN-239221 is open with development to address this issue.  

  • At this time, there is not a workaround.

Additional Information

Other examples from this report that are related to MUN-239221 include:

  1. Accounts with no MasterBals - shows blank Net Change for year and blank Account Balance

  2. Accounts with only SOY entries in the Reporting Year - shows blank Net Change for Year and correct Account Balance.

  3. Accounts with GEN journals in period 00 - shows incorrect Net Change for Year and correct Account Balance.Â