Pay code not listed in drop down list of available pay codes in Timesheet Entry

Description of Issue

When attempting to enter time in Timesheet Entry, the desired pay code is not available from the drop down list of pay codes


Time & Attendance

Employee Actions

Timesheet Entry


'Save and Access Rules' had been inadvertently clicked instead of 'Save' when editing a pay code which, leaves the rule undefined, therefore unable to be deleted and the pay code then is rendered inaccessible 


Complete the Access rule configuration

  1.  System Admin > Master File Management > pencil icon to edit the unavailable Pay Code

  2.  Scroll to the Defined Rules panel

  3.  Define either a Work Group, an Organization Type, or an Organizational Unit 

  4.  Click Add 

Delete the Access Rule

  1.  System Admin > Master File Management > pencil icon to edit the unavailable Pay Code

  2.  Scroll to the Defined Rules panel

  3.  Click the minus icon to Delete the access rule 

  4.  Click Yes when prompted with 'Are you sure you want to delete this rule?'

  5.  Click Save

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