Knockout Questions for Job Applications

Description of Issue

The HR Manager wants to know if we have the option to use a dis-qualifier question for certain jobs applications?

Can we setup a knock out question to reject certain applicants?

  • Self Service Applications

  • Knockout Questions


Certain questions make the applicant ineligible for the Job Opening.

  1. To begin you must navigate to the program Self Service Applications

    • Menu > Human Capital Management > Recruiting > Self Service Applications

  2. Select Search and locate your specific Application you wish to adjust

  3. Click Modules in the toolbar to navigate to the next page

  4. Select the Module you wish to include the Knockout question in

  5. Select the specific field and use the arrow keys to add/remove the field to the Application

  6. Define the following fields and check the box for Knockout Question

    • Note, the conditions of the Knockout can only be Yes / Checked or No / Unchecked you will want to ensure the field you are using is setup to operate as a Yes/No or Check/Uncheck type question

Additional Information

Please reach out to Human Resources Support with any additional questions.