MA Tax - Print Real Estate or Personal Property Abatement Certificates from Abatement Entry

Description of Issue

An abatement certificate for real estate or personal property needs to be printed from Abatement Entry. 

  • 2019.1+
  • MA Tax
  • Abatement Entry 
  • Real Estate 
  • Personal Property
  • Printing Abatement Certificates 

After creating an abatement in Abatement Entry for real estate or personal property, an abatement certificate needs to be printed.  

  1. An abatement must be entered first. 
    1. To enter a new abatement, please follow the steps listed here: Enter an Abatement in a Batch in Abatement Entry
    2. To find an abatement that was created prior and is not GL posted, please follow the steps here: Find an Abatement Within an Abatement Entry Batch
  2. Click Print Cert from the top ribbon. 
  3. On the resulting screen, Click Define
  4. Enter the Date Board of Assessors voted
  5. Choose an output option: 
    1. Check the box to Create export file.
    2. Or choose a Form layout to print. 
  6. Click Accept. (If the error message You must first run a successful select appears, follow the resolution outlined here: You must first run a successful select Error Message When Printing Abatement Certificates From Abatement Entry)
  7. The certificate can be saved or printed in one of three ways: 
    1. If Create export file was chosen, click Save.
      1. Enter a number to choose which label to print: 1. Blank, 2. Assessor Copy, 3. Collector Copy, 4. Taxpayer Copy.
      2. The certificate will save to your reports which can be found from the main menus using the following path: Departmental Functions > My Saved Reports
    2. If Form was chosen, click either Save or Print.
      1. Enter a number to choose which label to print: 1. Blank, 2. Assessor Copy, 3. Collector Copy, 4. Taxpayer Copy. 
      2. If Save was selected, the certificate will save to your reports which can be found from the main menus using the following path: Departmental Functions > My Saved Reports
      3. If Print was selected, the certificate should print to the users default printer. 
    3. Output can be used for either Create export file or Form.
      1. Choose Munis printer or Save.
        1. Enter a number to choose which label to print: 1. Blank, 2. Assessor Copy, 3. Collector Copy, 4. Taxpayer Copy.
        2. If  Munis printer is chosen, select a Printer Name by clicking the Three Dots. 
        3. If Save is chosen, the certificate will save to your reports which can be found from the main menus using the following path: Departmental Functions > My Saved Reports
      2. Click OK. 
Additional Information
  • For all information regarding Abatements, please visit: Master Article - Abatements
  • If further assistance is required, please contact Tax Support.