Report for Employee Salaries as of a certain date

Description of Issue

I need a report that shows employee's salaries as of a particular date. 

  • Employee Job/Salary

  • Payroll Audit Inquiry

  • Payroll Detail History

  • Personnel Actions

  • Actions Entry

  • Actions History Reporting



In Munis Version 11.3, if want a spreadsheet of the current salaries/effective dates, can use Employee Job/Salary.

  1. Access Employee Job/Salary (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary)

  2. Search for applicable employee criteria, click the Cycles/Other tab and check the base pay checkbox. Click Accept.

  3. Export to Excel.

In Munis Version 11.3, can view prior rates in Payroll Audit Inquiry.

  1. Go to Payroll Audit Inquiry (Payroll>Payroll Administration>Payroll Audit Inquiry)

  2. Click Search. Define table prpmppay, define the Date.

    1. Keep in mind, the date or date range defined will find records that were changed as of that date, not as of a particular Effective Date.

    2. For example, say the site had a COLA increase effective 7/1/21 but the records were updated on 6/29/21. Would need to enter 6/29/21 for the Date when searching to view the records.

      1. If using < one day after the day needed, Example <07/01/21, it will show all changes made prior to 07/01/21. 

      2. If searching by a date range, Example 07/01/21:07/30/21, it will show all changes entered in July 2021.

  3. TAB down to the prep_proj field and define 0 (live dataset)

  4. Click Accept.

  5. This can be exported to Excel.

In Munis Version 2018.1 and higher, can use Payroll Audit Inquiry as above or Employee Job/Salary:

  1. Go to Employee Job/Salary (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary)

  2. Search for applicable employee criteria

  3. Next to Service Period click the option for Specific Date and define the needed date.

    1. Example, enter 06/30/21 to find records effective as of 06/30/21.

  4. Click the Cycles/Other tab and check the Base Pay checkbox to only search on base pay records. Click Accept

  5. The find set can then be exported to PDF, Excel or Notepad (Display). 

In any Munis Version, the Payroll Detail History report can be used:

  1. Go to Payroll Detail History (Payroll>Employee History>Payroll Detail History)

  2. Search for applicable employee criteria

    1. Example, define 100:199 in the Pay/Deduction field if base pays are in the 100 range.

  3. Define the Check Date field.

    1. Example, 06/01/2021:07/01/2021 to pull data for any warrant(s) with a check date in that range. The check date will need to be something that does not include the pay increase date (07/1/21) in the payroll period date range.

  4. This report can also be exported to Excel

In any Munis Version, if sites use Personnel Actions/Actions Entry, the Actions History Reporting can be used:

  1. Go to Actions History Reporting (Human Resources>Personnel Actions>Actions History Reporting)

  2. Click Define. Define applicable Action Dates and date ranges. Click Accept

  3. Click desired output type. 

Additional Information