Enter an Abatement in a Batch in Abatement Entry
Enter an Abatement in a Batch in Abatement Entry
Description of Issue
An abatement needs to be entered in Abatement Entry.
- 2019.1+
- Abatement Entry
- Tax Billing
An abatement needs to be applied to a bill.
- Before abatements can be entered, a batch will need to be created. To create an abatement batch, please follow the steps found here: Add a Batch in Abatement Entry
- After creating a batch, click Add.
- Enter a Year, Category, and Bill Number (Note: It is best to tab in between each field all the way through.)
- Enter a Tax reference if desired. (Note: This was the batch field in 11.3 and can be used to group abatements together under one reference.)
- Click the three dots next to the Reason field and choose a reason for the abatement.
- Enter an Effective Date.
- Tab through resolution, Applicant customer, Delivery address, Payee customer, and Delivery address making sure the Customer Numbers and Addresses are correct.
- If a different Applicant customer, Delivery address, Payee customer, and Delivery address are needed, simply type the correct Customer Number or Address.
- TAB through the Memo fields.
- The Charge and Installment Entry Screen opens.
- Verify that the correct amounts are being abated from the correct charges and installments.
- To alter these amounts, click Update.
- Enter the desired amount in the installment line.
- Click Accept.
- Click Back and verify all information for the abatement is correct.
- Repeat Steps #2-15 as many times as desired or needed.
- If all information is correct, the abatement(s) should be Bill or GL Posted. (Note: Bill Post will update the bill with the abatement. GL Post will post the entire batch to both the bills and GL. It is best to GL post when the batch is complete).
- To Bill Post and Abatement, please follow the steps found here: Bill Post an Abatement
- To GL Post an Abatement Batch, please follow the steps found here: GL Post an Abatement Batch
Additional Information
- For all information regarding Abatements, please visit: Master Article - Abatements
- If further assistance is required, please contact Tax Support.