Are virtual user groups recorded

Description of Issue
  • Will user group webinars be recorded for future viewing and where can I find them?
  • Unable to attend virtual user group and would like to watch recording.
  • Attended a virtual user group and would like to watch again.
  • New to Enterprise ERP and would like to watch instructional recordings.
  • GoToWebinar


  1. Navigate to Tyler Community:
  2. From the Navigation Bar, click Enterprise ERP then State User Group.
  3. Select your state.
  4. A post with the recording links should be listed within 1 week following the scheduled meeting in your state.
Additional Information

Recording links are also emailed to attendees and absentees of each session 2 hours after the session concludes.

All virtual user group webinar sessions (with the exception of round tables) are recorded and available on Tyler Community.

Please review our Master Article - Tyler Community for all other topics on Tyler Community.

For all Enterprise ERP User Group FAQs, please review Master Article - Enterprise ERP State User Group Meetings.