MA Tax Subsequent Taking - Charge Code Error
We are seeing a Charge Code error in the within Select Subsequent Titles program, how do we resolve?
MA Tax
Subsequent Taking
Charge Code Error
Open Abatements with Error
Report shows NO CHG under REF column of OPEN ABATEMENTS WITH ERROR report.
Review CAT 20 and CAT 23 charge codes.
For every CAT 20 principal/fee charge code there needs to be a mirroring CAT 23 principal/fee charge code. NO CHG signals one is likely not set up correctly.
Review a SAMPLE YEAR taxes with interest and costs to be set up as a subsequent tax titles report (page 13) will show that there may be something setup wrong in charge codes within either CAT 20 or CAT 23.
Review a SAMPLE YEAR taxes with interest and costs to be set up as subsequent tax titles journal entries to be created report, it will show which charge code the issue.
The lack of accounts and "****UNKNOWN****" description should show which charge code is not showing, that is the one with the error. You may need to look at the ones that do show on this report, to determine which does not.
Create a CAT 20 or CAT 23 charge code for whichever is not setup.
Edit the existing one with incorrect information, so that it is setup correctly.
Please reach out to support with any additional questions.