Subtract from Base Pay did not subtract base pay hours after Time Entry Move - Mismatch Job Classes

Description of Issue

We have a dock pay code that did not subtract from an employee's base pay when Time Entry was moved into payroll when the dock pay and base pay have different Job Classes. 

  • Payroll

  • Time Entry

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Earnings and Deductions

  • Employee Job/Salary


System Defect


Load work ticket when available. 

MUN-435833 -2019.1.22

MUN-436418 - 2021.1.0.0A

MUN-436419 - 2021.2.0.0A

MUN-436420 - 2021.3.0.0A

MUN-436421 - 2021.4.0.0A

MUN-436422 - 2021.5.0.0A

MUN-436423 - 2021.6.0.0

MUN-436424 - 2022.2.0.0

As a work around, delete and re-add the pay code in Earnings and Deductions and correct the base pay hours.

  1. Go to Payroll Start and Status (Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status)

  2. Search for the warrant. Click Accept. Click Change Click Earnings and Deductions. 

  3. Search for the employee. Double click on the pay code. Click Delete in the toolbar. 

  4. Click Add and define the pay code and other applicable fields. Click Accept. 

  5. Click Update. Correct the base pay hours. Click Accept. 

Additional Information