The current map definition has no searchable lines configured

Description of Issue
  • When adding a new attachment type, we receive the error message The current map definition has no searchable lines configured.

  • Attachment Types

  • ReadyForms

  • The program has no configured searchable lines and will need to be updated to include these searchable line fields

  1. To begin you'll want to navigate to the program Attachment Types.

    • Menu > System Administration > General Administration > Attachment Types

  2. Click Add to begin the record.

  3. Select from the drop down field Context/Application and select the applicable process.

    • Personnel Action Forms Printing for PAFs

  4. Define the Type field, this is custom set, feel free to update as you see fit.

  5. Define the Document Type using the field help, represented by the ellipses icon.

  6. Tab and allow the system to define the Caption and Description field, feel free to update these as you see fit.

  7. Define Active on the right.

  8. Navigate to the below fields and check the applicable items you wish the system to reference when searching records, place checks in the Use In Search column.

  9. Navigate to the column Munis Field and use the field help icon to select the specific Munis data field.

  10. Click Accept to save the record.

Additional Information
  • Please contact the respective support team for assistance.

    • Personnel Action Forms > Human Resources Support

    • W-9 Images > Financial Accounts Payable Support

    • W-2 Images > Payroll Support

  • If the Searchable Fields disappear from display, please reach out to Tyler Forms Support.