Payment Journals Error selecting account for journal post

Description of Issue

Unable to post batch in Payment Journals due to error:

  • Error selecting account for journal post, status:

  • Error posting journal line

  • An unexpected error has occurred while processing a receipt record

  • 11.3

  • Accounts Receivable

  • AR

  • Payment Journals (arrctpst)


Typically these errors are because a GL account on the receipt are either blank, or do not match the GL accounts in the Charge Codes program.

  • If a Payment receipt, unrelease the batch and reverse the payment receipt referenced in the error. Batch should post error-free since Payment Journal ignores GL mismatches when a payment is reversed

  • If not a Payment receipt, (such as a Refund or Reversal), you must contact Munis Support for assistance. They cannot be reversed until posted, therefore they must be repaired by support

Additional Information