Export Meter Reading File - Electric Services are not included in the chosen run definition

Description of Issue

When running the export meter reading file program, I am getting a message Electric Services are not included in the chosen run definition.




Bill Run type setup the client is defining for this specific process or the define data set doesn't have any active (Or inactive if choosing inactive in the Define), metered electric services.


Property Revenues > Utility Billing > Setup > Bill Run Setup

  1. Click Search 

  2. Enter the Run Type that is being defined in the Export Meter Reading File program

  3. Click Accept

  4. Click on Generate Options

  5. Review the Charge Code and Route Ranges to determine which ranges match what the client is defining for in the Export Meter Reading File program

  6. If there are no accounts/services that are active (or inactive based on how the client defines the Export Meter Reading File program), no records will be selected and the client will get the message Electric Services are not included in the chosen run definition

This holds true for Water services as well. The only difference is the message will appear with Water instead of Electric

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