TX TRS FedG and Public Ed EC GL post totals do not match the RP20 record totals

Description of Issue

The totals on the Fed Grant and Public Ed EC GL posts don't match the RP20 record totals. 

  • Payroll

  • Texas

  • TX TRS Report


Missing TX TRS Maintenance record


The FedG and Public Ed EC posts will not post RP20 amounts for employees that don't have a record in the TX TRS Maintenance program. 

Confirm that all TRS eligible employees, and all TRS retirees have a record in the TX TRS Maintenance program. 

Add a record for missing employees. 

Additional Information

The TX TRS Maintenance record is required for accurate Stat Min reporting, controls the TRS Membership Eligibility Flag on the ED40, and is also used for Retiree reporting.