NY Employee Retirement Maintenance only has room for one Arrears deduction

Description of Issue

Have two Arrears deductions for NY Retirement, one for pre-tax and one for post-tax.  Need to report the sum of both, but there is only a place to list one deduction code.

  • Payroll
  • New York
  • NY Employee Retirement Maintenance


Manually maintain the NY Employee Retirement Maintenance record after Generating.

  1. Open the NY Employee Retirement Maintenance program.
  2. Select Generate
  3. Select Define and update any fields as needed
  4. Select Accept
  5. Select Execute
  6. Select Return 
  7. Select Search and enter the Employee number of an employee that has two Arrears deductions
  8. Select Update
  9. Change the Arrears Amount to the sum of both deductions (the amount that should be reported)
  10. Click Accept
  11. Return to the menu
  12. Process NY Retirement RS2402 Report.
Additional Information

NYSLRS is in the process of transitioning employers to their enhanced reporting, which is accommodated in Munis with the NYSLRS Report program.  The new reporting has the ability to report both pre- and post-tax arrears (Service Credit Purchase) amounts.   No additional changes are being made to the legacy reporting options.

For more information about the enhanced reporting, please reference the following:Â