Hours subtracting from base pay code

Hours subtracting from base pay code

Description of Issue
  • Why are the hours subtracting from my base pay code?

  • After the Time Entry Move, some employees are missing base pay hours. 

  • Why do some employees show more hours in Time Entry History than in Earnings and Deductions in Payroll?

  • Payroll

  • Time Entry

  • Earnings and Deductions

  • Pay Master

  • Subtract from base


Remove the Subtract from Base setting from the Pay Master record. Then update the pay codes with the appropriate hours in Earnings and Deductions.

Go to the Pay MasterHuman Resources/Payroll > Payroll > Payroll Setup > Pay Master.

  1. Search on the Pay Code number in the Pay field and click Accept

  2. Click Update and uncheck the Subtract from Base checkbox and click Accept

Return to Earnings and DeductionsHuman Resources/Payroll > Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Start and Status > Earnings and Deductions.

  1. Search on the Employee Number and click Accept

  2. Click on the Pay tab, click Update and key in the units in the Hrs/Days field and click Accept


Additional Information
  • The Subtract from Base function will take place during the Time Entry Move process.

  • This setting is used to prevent employees from getting paid additional hours compared to what they actually worked.

    • For example, if an employee generates into payroll with 80 regular hours, and that employee has 8 hours assigned to a vacation pay that is Subtract from Base, those 8 hours will be taken away from the base pay after the Time Entry Move is completed.

    • In Earnings and Deductions, there will be 72 hours assigned to the base pay, and 8 hours assigned to the vacation pay, totals to 80 hours.

    • If Subtract from Base is not enabled, the employee will show 80 hours assigned to the base pay and 8 hours assigned to the vacation pay which totals to 88 hours, and the employee will be paid for 88 total hours rather than 80.