How to setup a Category 7-Dock Pay pay code when not using Time Entry

Description of Issue

How do we create a pay code to dock employee's pay by 5% using the category 7-dock pay?

  • Pay Master

  • Employee Job/Salary

  • Time Entry



If the pay code is not coming into payroll via Time Entry:

  1. Go to Pay Master (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Pay Master).

  2. Search for the pay type. Click Accept. Click Update.

  3. Define a negative (-) in front of the amount in the factor field. Click Accept.

  4. Go to Employee Job/Salary. (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary)

  5. Search for the employee. Add the dock pay type to their Job/Salary record, define applicable fields. Click Accept. 

Additional Information

The Category 7 Dock Pay is designed to be used with the dock pay process move from time entry and is not designed to be added manually on the fly in earnings and deductions unless it is attached to an employee's Job/Salary Record.Â