Certification of Resources - Current Appropriations

Description of Issue

How is Current Appropriations calculated for Certification of Resources?

  • Certification of Resources
  • Current Appropriations
  • Budget
  • Carry Forward (CFWD)

Current Appropriations is Expense Revised posted budget without any budgetary carry forward amounts include


Prove amounts for Expense Revised for current year only

  • Account Inquiry Method:
    1. Browse Munis > Financials > General Ledger Munis > Inquiry and Reports > Account Inquiry
    2. Seg Find
    3. Enter in record selection criteria
      • Fund 
      • Account Type = Expense (E)
    4. Accept
    5. Totals
    6. Take note of Expense Total's Revised Budget Amount
    7. Current Year Tab
      • Current Year Revised Budget is what Current Appropriations in Certification of Resources
  • Journal Inquiry Method
    1. Browse Munis > Financials > General Ledger Munis > Journal Entry/History > Journal Inquiry/Print
    2. Advanced Find
    3. Search
    4. Enter in record selection criteria
    5. Accept
    6. Excel
    7. Enable Editing in Excel ribbon
    8. Home tab > Sort and Filter > Filter
    9. Use column drop down filters in Excel to exclude what is not needed
      • Other funds (tied to related journals for needed fund)
      • Other Objects (control accounts and others like revenue accounts tied to related journals)
    10. Excel amounts in one column but debit/credit in another
      • SUM debit amounts
      • SUM credit amounts
      • SUM debit & credit for total revised budget for only expense account
        • Fiscal Year's Revised Budget is what Current Appropriations in Certification of Resources
Additional Information
  • Not all Carry Forward (CFWD) are equal
  • CWFD BUA related to carry forward encumbrance PO budget is considered Original CFWD budget not an Adjustment CFWD budgetÂ