How to setup a Loan Repayment Deduction
How do I setup a loan repayment deduction to have a limit and deduct each payroll until it's paid off?
Payroll Control Settings
Deduction and Benefit Master
Employee Deductions
Go to Payroll Control Settings (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Payroll Control Settings.)
Double click the setting labeled General - Maintain Inception Accumulators.
If the value is set to a N, click Update and change the Value to Y. Click Accept.
Go to Deduction and Benefit Master (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Deduction Benefit Master).
Click Add. Define applicable deduction information. In the Limit Type field select I-Inception.
This option allows for the loan to be paid back over multiple years
Click Accept.
Go to Employee Deductions (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Deductions)
Add deduction code to employee, define applicable information.
Define the amount to be taken each payroll in the Employee Amt/Pct field.
Define the total amount to be paid back in the Employee Limit field.
This will deduct the Employee Amt/Pct each payroll from the Limit amount.
Click Accept.