How to delete an existing Fund with posted transactions
Fund was created incorrectly
Fund number needs to be reused
Fund created is not needed
Fund was created with incorrect Fund number
I need reuse and existing fund number
Chart of Account Segments
Fund attributes
Fund was created incorrectly
The fund is older and the fund number needs to be reused
MUNIS does not have functionality that will allow an existing Fund with posted transactions to be deleted.
Options at this time:
Create a new fund (with a different Fund number) and use journals to move the transactions from the wrong fund to the correct fund and then close the accounts with the incorrect Fund number.
The Org Codes can be altered however this would require multiple steps for every existing Org Code in the Fund. Once all the Org codes are changed then a new fund can be entered using the original Fund number.
3. Contact Professional Services for assistance. This typically results in a fee and can take 3-6 months or more to schedule the updates.
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Once on the Munis Enhancement Request. Select the option: Submit A Request For Development Quote Online.
Next the Enhancement form will be presented where you can enter your request.