Salary and Benefit Projection - Multiple vacant positions being created for FTE less than 1

Description of Issue

When creating vacancies, if a vacant position's FTE is .50 it's creating two positions, one for the original .50 and another .50. 

  • Payroll 

  • Salary and Benefit Projections

  • Position Control 


The, Use live position's CY Budgeted FTE and Actual Count for LY, checkbox was checked when the Projection was created. 


Create a new Salary and Benefit Projection and leave that checkbox unchecked.

  1. Go to Salary and Benefit Projections (Payroll>Salary and Benefit Projections>Projection Start and Status)

  2. Click Add. Define Projection, Description, Dates etc. pressing TAB through the fields. 

  3. Once you've tabbed through the program and checked the applicable boxes at the bottom, the New Projection Source screen will display. 

  4. Define applicable fields. Under the Position Option do not check the, Use live position's CY Budgeted FTE and Actual Count for LY checkbox. 

  5. Click Accept. 

Additional Information

When the Use live position's CY Budgeted FTE and Actual Count for LY  checkbox is checked, it causes the process to create as many vacant positions as possible by dividing the Max Employees by the FTE percent.

When that checkbox is not selected, vacant positions are created based solely on the maximum employees for the position rather than the maximum employees divided by the FTE percent.