Unable to enter detail on projection within Central Budget Entry

Description of Issue

Unable to enter detail on projection within Central Budget Entry, the entire budget entry screen is grayed out, the add update and delete buttons on the main page are grayed out as well

  • Central Budget Entry

  • Budget Projections

  • Define/Start Budget Projection


The Access Dates were not set to the correct year


To update the Access Dates: 

  1. Go to Munis > Financials > Budget Processing > Define/Start Budget Projection

  2. Search for the Projection 

  3. Accept

  4. In the Ribbon Select the Access Dates Skittle

  5. Update

  6. Change the access dates as needed

  7. Accept

Once this saves then user should now be able to add and update detail within Central Budget entry once the access date is a current date.

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