Objects deleted from Chart of Account Segments are not removed from Disclosure Report from GL

Description of Issue

After deleting object codes from Chart of Account Segments, an error is received when attempting to open Disclosure Report from GL:

Execute select_GLObjectDescription failed - status:  100

  • General Ledger

  • Capital Assets


Object code is still defined in Disclosure Report from GL even though it has been deleted from the system


Contact Enterprise ERP Financial Assets and Civic Support to have the object code removed with a script

Additional Information

Chart of Account Segments has been modified to not allow deletion of object codes being used in the Disclosure Report from GL under the following tickets:

  • 2019.1.22.2759 - MUN-434077

  • 2021.4.0.1892 - MUN-456117

  • 2021.5.0.1431 - MUN-456118

  • 2021.6.0.1075 - MUN-456119

  • 2021.7.0.790 - MUN-456120

  • 2021.8.0.456 - MUN-456121