Abatement Entry calculating water infrastructure amount incorrectly

Description of Issue
  • Water Infrastructure Surcharges are not being abated for the desired amount.

  • Water Infrastructure Surcharges being reduced to zero when that's not desired.

  • Water Infrastructure Surcharges being abated proportionally to real estate taxes when they should be reduced to zero.

  • Munis

  • Property Revenues

  • Real Estate Taxes (RE)

  • Massachusetts Tax (MA Tax)

  • Abatement Entry (txabtent)

  • Water Infrastructure Surcharge

  • Water Infrastructure Investment Fund (WIIF)

  • Massachusetts General Laws (MGL) Chapter 40 Section 39M


Water Infrastructure Surcharges are defined by law to have very specific interactions with regards to Statutory Exemptions and abatements in Massachusetts General Laws.


If a statutory exemption code is used to abate a bill, the Abatement Entry program will correspondingly reduce the amount of Water Infrastructure Surcharge to zero. Any other type of exemption code used on an abatement will reduce the Water Infrastructure Surcharge by an amount proportional to the reduction in Real Estate tax amount to which the Water Infrastructure Surcharge is originally calculated against.

Additional Information

See MGL Title VII, Chapter 40, Section 39M which makes heavy references to Title IX, Chapter 59.