Import layout for Change General Ledger Account Codes

Description of Issue
  • In Change General Ledger Account Codes, the user is selecting Account Change and Import Changes.

  • What should the import column headers be for Change General Ledger Account Codes?

  • User is trying to create a template for Change GL Account Codes.


Change General Ledger Account Codes


Change General Ledger Account Codes program does not include an option for creating a template for importing.


Use the Import Changes option to import:

Financials > General Ledger Menu > Setup/Chart of Accounts > Change General Ledger Account Codes.

  1. In the Change General Ledger Account Codes program, Click Account Change.

  2. Select Import Changes.

  3. Use Excel to create a file with column headers as described in Additional Information.

    1. Headers are for reference purposes only. Prior to import delete the header row if one exists. 

  4. Save the file as comma-delimited with .csv as the file extension.

  5. Click Define and select option. 

  6. Accept

  7. Back

  8. Post Batch

  9. Check All

    1. Check desired items if not all are to be processed

  10. Output

  11. Save

  12. OK

  13. Post Batch

  14. Yes

Additional Information

Excel import formatting:

  • For Org/Object/Project, the import file column must include:

          Old Org, Old Object, Old Project, New Org, New Object, New Project, Account Status (optional) 

  • For Long Account, the import file column must include:

    Account Type (E, R, B) Old Account as seen in Account Inquiry, New Account

There should be no column headers on this import.