Getting an error when add an Employee Deduction record

Description of Issue

I am getting the following error when I add a deduction to an employee wtih 01/01/1900 start date: A deduction for this employee with a start date of 04/01/2022 overlaps the dates for this entry.

  • Enterprise ERP

  • Payroll

  • Employee Deductions


Cannot add a new record where the Start Date falls before the End Date of the existing deduction record.


User needs to update the existing deduction record.  Or End Date the existing deduction record prior to adding a new one.

  1. In Employee Deductions, click Search > enter the employee number and select 'All' for the Search Period > click Accept.

  2. Click Update to make any changes to the exiting record. 

  3. If decide to End Date the existing record, can then Add a new record with a Start Date that is after the End Date of the existing record.

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