Update Jurisdiction to match Service Company

Description of Issue

Jurisdiction Code needs to be updated to match the service company code

  • NY Property Tax Billing

  • New York

  • White Plains, NY

  • RPS160 Import (tnyrpsim)

  • Service Company Import/Export (txsrveiu)

  • Real Estate Bill Print (tnyrebil)

  • Service Company 777 is paid through EFT Export and must be printed separately from other lenders with the NY Bill Print

  • There is no Print by Service Company option within the NY Bill Print

  • The Parcel Lender code does not always contain accurate information to Print by as a solution


Contact Munis Revenue Support to have Jurisdiction Code updated to 777 for parcels that contain a Service Company 777

  • An enhancement request could be submitted to add a Print by Service Company to the NY Bill Print to implement a permanent fix and replace support intervention

  • A workaround would be to set the Jurisdiction code within the RPS software so that these parcels import into Munis with a Jurisdiction code 777

Additional Information

White Plains, NY will need this update in March for City bills, and again in June for School bills