YTD Budget report include fund balance functionality

Description of Issue

We are running the YTD Budget Report and checking Include fund balance but the amounts on the report are incorrect


YTD Budget Report

Include Fund Balance



Financials > General Ledger Menu > Inquiries and Reports > YTD Budget Report

  • Click Search

  • Type in account search criteria (must include both Revenue and Expense Accounts)

  • Click Accept

  • Click Report options

  • Select all report options

    1. Sequence 1 must = Fund

    2. Check Include Fund Balance on additional options

  • Click Accept

  • Click Back button

  • Send report to output (display, print, etc)

Additional Information

Incl_fund_bal  default N; this field is only accessible if

  •   revenue and expense accounts are included in the active set 

  •   and first level sequence break is 1 (Fund)

  •   If Y, a fund balance summary will print at the end of each fund. 

Three lines are printed with reversed signs:

  • Prior Fund Balance; period 0 (of report year)

  • Change in Fund Balance; revenue control less expense control for this report year and period

  • Current Fund Balance; line 1 + line 2

NOTE: This option requires that the page break switch be set to “Y” for the fund in the sort option section. If it is not, the program will set it automatically and it will be written to sprptopt for the next execution of the report.