YTD Budget Report - Next fiscal year report run has incorrect prior year fund balance

Description of Issue
  • YTD Budget Report run for next year has incorrect Prior Fund Balance

  • YTD Budget Report run for next year has incorrect net change for expense and revenue

  • YTD Budget Report (Year-To-Date)

  • Report Options

  • Fund Balance (Prior, Net Change, Revised)

  • When run for Next Year, and with Fund balance included in the report options, YTD Budget Report changes a credit value to a debit when calculating the prior year fund balance amount.

    • As a result, the report is overstating the Prior Year fund balance amount.

    • Next Year period 13 not calculating the net change between the Revenue and Expenditure controls at all

  1. Log a case with Munis Financial General Ledger Support

  2. Support will link to open work ticket with development MUN-314782

  3. Once work ticket is completed site will receive email notification it is ready to download from MIU or Tyler Deploy.

  4. Load work ticket in TEST and prove issue is corrected

  5. If issue remains follow up with support for additional review

Additional Information

Next Year period 13 calculating the net change between the Revenue and Expenditure controls will work for period 99 but prior fund balance would still be incorrect.