ExecuTime error trying to approve at approver level and workflow template errors

Description of Issue

We are in ExecuTime version 2021.2 and get errors when trying to approve timesheets at the Approver level:

Supervisor approval or reject cannot be completed for (employee). The employee approval must be done first

When checking the Workflow Connectivity Test it shows errors on Templates and then we get error:

Workflow Services are not currently available

  • Payroll

  • ExecuTime version 2021.2

  • Supervisor Actions

  • Time Approvals

  • Workflow Management

  • Workflow Connectivity



System Defect when installing Service Pack 2021.2 from 2020.2.2.2

  1. Contact Payroll Support.

    1. If site is not SaaS hosted, Payroll Technician will need access to the ExecuTime SQL database. 

    2. Due to work ticket XTSP-1531.

Additional Information