Grant Manager Error Linking to Funding Source from Associated Projects tab - Unknown Error on Find Fetch

Description of Issue

Grant Manager error message selecting the hyperlink for a specific Funding Source String on the Associated Projects tab

Munis (pastrmnt)

Unknown error on find Fetch - status: 100

System log Id: XXXXX

  • Grant Manager

  • Project Master

  • Project Funding Source Inquiry



This issue was resolved under a different work ticket number so MUN-377589 has been cancelled. No error should be returned when selecting the hyperlink on the Associated Projects tab.

Additional Information

Project Master (Financials > General Ledger Menu > Project Accounting > Project Ledger > Projects/Inquiry > Project Master) and Project Funding Source Inquiry (Financials > General Ledger Menu > Project Accounting > Project Ledger > Projects/Inquiry > Project Funding Source Inquiry) can also be used to view string information.