How to enter journals in prior years

Description of Issue
  • How to hit prior year 2 or before now they are closed?

  • What journals can be posted to prior year 1?

  • Posting to prior closed years

  • Data Entry

  • Audit

  • Journals

  • Prior year

  • LY1

  • LY2


Prior year 1

  • EERP does allow posting to Prior year 1 for Actuals and Budget. 

Prior year 2 and before

  • EERP does not allow posting to prior year 2 or before

  • EERP is not designed to allow this functionality

  • Review EERP > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Set up chart of accounts > General ledger Settings, Current year information


Posting journals to prior year must have the appropriate GL Permissions

Example: Current year 2023, Next Year 2024, Prior Year (1) 2022, Prior Years (2 and before) 2021-1980

    • Budget, post to prior year periods 1-12

    • Actuals, post to prior year period 13

    • Encumbrances, prior year journals are not allowed by site, contact support for assistance

Additional Information