Month End Manager and Balance Sheet Report has unbalanced fund but not Table Validation report

Description of Issue

Month End Manager and Balance Sheet Report display unbalanced fund but not Table Validation or Account Trial Balance where net change is 0.00

  • Month End Manager

  • Balance Sheet

  • Account Master

  • Configuration & Setup

  • Fund Balancing (debit vs credit), (Asset = Liability & Fund Balance)

  • Possible incorrect Balance Type for Balance Sheet defined in Account Master

    • Blank Balance Type would not be included on Balance Sheet Report tossing off (Asset = Liability & Fund Balance)

    • Month End Manager reads Balance Type to calculate (Asset = Liability & Fund Balance) like the Balance Sheet Report

  1. Browse Munis > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Set Up Chart of Accounts > Account Master

  2. Search

    • Enter needed search criteria to pull up suspect account

  3. Accept

  4. Update

  5. Adjust Balance Type, under Balance Sheet section as needed

    1. Asset

    2. Liability

    3. Fund Balance

  6. Accept

  7. Refresh Month End Manager and run Balance Sheet Report again to see adjustments

  8. Contact Munis Financial Support if issues remain

Additional Information
  • Account Trial Balance can be run for needed year and period to ensure net change is 0.00 to ensure it is not a debit/credit issue.

  • If all Balance Sheets are defined correctly in Account Master for Balance Type the site will need to identify problem journal(s) that hit balance sheets incorrectly

    • Munis Financial Support cannot advise on what balance sheet accounts need to be hit

    • Site Accountant is in charge of making sure balance sheets maintain balancing by (Asset = Liability & Fund Balance)

    • Suspect Journal(s) can be reversed until Accountant indicates how corrective journal should be entered if needed