Where does the Actual Unencumb. Beginning Bal. amount on a Certification Of Resources record pull from?

Description of Issue

Where the Actual Unencumbered Beginning Balance amount pulls from on a record in the Certification Of Resources program.

  • Budgeting

  • General Ledger



This amount pulls from the Revised Budget amount on the A/P Cash account for the Fund that the Certification Resources record is being used for.

To locate this A/P Cash Account, as well as the Revised Budget amount, please follow the process below:

  1. Go to Financials>General Ledger Menu>Set Up/Chart Of Accounts>Account Master

  2. Click Search

  3. Enter the Fund code from the Certification Of Resources record in the "Fund" field

  4. Select A/P Cash from the Control Account field drop down

  5. Click Accept

    1. This will show the A/P Cash Account for that Fund

  6. To locate the account's Revised Budget amount, go to Financials>General Ledger Menu>Inquiries And Reports>Account Inquiry

  7. Click Search

  8. Enter the account code segments

  9. Click Accept

    1. This will display the account's Revised Budget amounts