AP Check Reconciliation Report - List of cleared checks for date range

Description of Issue

Need list of all cleared AP checks for specific date range and do not see needed report options

  • AP Check Reconciliation

  • Cleared & Outstanding


AP Check Reconciliation does not provide an option for cleared date range(s)

  1. Browse to Munis > Financials > Accounts Payable > Cash Disbursement > Check Reconciliation > Reports

  2. Update

  3. Select by: Cash Account Range

  4. Print: Cleared Checks no other options needed for Print section

  5. Include: Select all check boxes to include Printed, Manual, Wire Transfers, Accounts, ACI Payments and EFTs

  6. Ensure the correct cash account for beginning to ending range is defined as needed

  7. Leave check range 0 to 99999999

  8. Accept

  9. Excel

  10. Enable updates

  11. Home tab

  12. Sort & Filter option

  13. Clear Date drop down filter and select only needed date range

  14. OK

  15. Checks will be filtered down to only display needed date range

    • Expand fiscal year check box options

    • Expand monthly period check box options

    • Ensure needed specific dates are selected

Additional Information