Transfer of Overpayments Journal Proof Report Posting Error

Description of Issue

Transfer of Overpayments Journal Proof Report Journal Out of Balance

Invalid Operation gljnlpst_proofReport: Journal Out of Balance

  • Munis

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Transfer of Overpayments

  • Payments Journal Posting Error

  • Due to Due From


In this scenario a user will be posting a Transfer of Overpayments batch, the user will see a Journal Proof Report error prompt and then reveal a generic error of Journal Out of Balance but will not elaborate further. There are other similar errors Munis will produce and deliver further information (i.e. 'invalid dtdf accounts for _____ and _____) which will steer a user in a direction. However, support is not receiving much information in regards to this posting error and have escalated this case for research. This article will be updated as more knowledge is gathered. 


Upon review of debugs, Munis support found that this is still due to a due to due from error however Munis fails to report the accounts missing or incorrect. 

Support recommends a site look at the GL Allocation tab on the Overpayment receipts and review the accounts in the Account Master program to get the funds that the accounts are linked to looking for dtdf relationships between funds. If there is not a relationship between the funds, more than likely the dtdf relationship will need to be established from the Due To Due From program in the Munis Financials menu. If any assistance is needed to configure this relationship, please submit a case with the Munis Financials - General Ledger Support team. 

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