Report for employee's yearly pay or deduction totals - Accumulators Report

Description of Issue
  • I am trying to run a report that will show an employees total pay for each pay code for the year.

  • I need to report the year to date (YTD) information for all employees for a certain deduction code.

  • Munis

  • Payroll

  • Accumulators Report


  1. Access the Accumulators Report: Payroll > Employee History > Accumulators Report

    1. Click Search, enter the desired year

    • Earning/Deduction field can be defined for a single pay/deduction code, range of pay/deduction codes using format XXX:XXX, or non-sequential pay/deduction codes by following this format XXX|XXX

    • Frequency can be defined as:

      • M = Monthly

      • Q = Quarterly

      • Y = Yearly

      • F = Fiscal

    • Cycle works with the frequency:

      • If Frequency of M, cycles can be defined as 1:12

      • If Frequency of Q, cycles can defined as 1:4

      • If Frequency if Y or F, no cycle will be defined

    2. Click Accept after defining the screen, then select the Excel option, or PDF in the ribbon to generate the report.  Or export to Excel.

    • If using PDF, select Report Options in the ribbon to enable which data you wish to see on the PDF report

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