User Not in Munis User Master File

User Not in Munis User Master File

Description of Issue

User receives the following error when logging in:

User not in Munis User Master File

  • Munis

  • Authentication

  • Munis Users


During the login process, the Munis user ID must match exactly with what is in Active Directory. The user ID is case sensitive and must match in all locations including the user attributes page in Munis.

  1. Open a command prompt on the Munis Server

  2. Enter net user /domain jon.doe (update with the appropriate username)

  3. Verify the user's group membership includes Munis Users

  4. Verify the user exists in Munis user attributes

  5. Compare the exact case of the returned username to what is in Munis user attributes

  6. Update active directory to match

Additional Information