Invoice Posted to Incorrect Period when using Default Effective Date from the Receiving Record when there is no PO on the Invoice

Description of Issue

GL Effective date Ignoring Invoice Batch GL Effective date when Default effective date from the Receiving record is set and no PO on invoice

  • Munis

  • Accounts Payable


This is a Munis defect

  • Download MUN-422228 when available from the MIU and Tyler Deploy

  • If the invoices have been posted to the General Ledger, use the Journal Reversal program (Change Period option). A reversal and correction journal will be posted in addition to the original journal, effectively changing the period.

Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > Journal Reversal

  1. Click Search

  2. Enter in the original journal's year/period/journal number

  3. Click Accept

  4. Click Change Period (located in the ribbon)

  5. Enter in the Reversal Journal information (this is the year/period/effective date which the journal should have posted to)

  6. Click Accept

  7. Click Output Post

  • Enter invoices without PO in a separate batch or change the effective date using Journal info in invoice entry

Additional Information