How to pay an Animal License

How to pay an Animal License

Description of Issue

How to take payment on an Animal License.
Unable to find an option to pay Animal Licenses.


Animal License (AL)
Accounts Receivable (AR)
Miscellaneous Cash Receipts
Payment Entry (arbilinq)



Animal Licenses are receipted using Miscellaneous Cash receipts. To make a miscellaneous cash animal license payment:

  1. Open Payment Entry
    General/Property Revenues > Payment Processing > Payment Entry

  2. Add a new batch or Resume an existing batch

  3. Choose Enter Receipts from the ribbon

  4. Choose Animal Lic from the ribbon

  5. Enter license information

  6. Click Accept

  7. Click Back

  8. Choose Tags from the ribbon

  9. Click Update

  10. Enter all required information

  11. Click Accept

  12. You will then see the pending payment flag appear

  13. Click Accept

  14. Click Yes when prompted to apply changes

  15. Enter payment information in to the Tender Payment pop-up

  16. Click Complete Transaction

Additional Information