Processing Animal License payments in Cashiering

Processing Animal License payments in Cashiering

Description of Issue

Guide on how to process Animal License payments in Cashiering 

  • Cashiering
  • 2021.1+
  • EERP
  • Enterprise ERP
  • Payment Processing
  • Animal License



Animals Types are created in EERP as charge codes- AR code AL within category 2. Description of the charge code is what is seen in Cashiering under the Description field.

The tag type will pull in different charge codes. It is not recommended to change the tag type after it has been selected. 

License number displayed means it's an existing one to renew tag. Some sites require a new tag number every year.

To process Animal License payments in Cashiering

  1. Select Animal License payment type
  2. Search for customer, bill, tag number or other criteria
  3. Select check box for desired item
  4. Fill in each field
    1. Tag # can be copied over if you would like to keep the existing tag

    2. K is for those owning a kennel. D is for duplicate charge for a replacement tag.

    3. Rabies date is required. Expiration date needs to be beyond the day of payment processing

  5. Submit
  6. Accept
  7. Pay Now
  8. Select Tender and enter tender information
  9. Complete
Additional Information

Paid licenses show in EERP Animal License program. Search by customer ID. 

At the start of a new year you will need to copy charge codes, copy licenses and update collection year. See How to prepare for new Animal License year

If animal licenses are not showing in Cashiering, confirm that the start of year process has been completed. See Animal Licenses for new year are not in Munis

Billed amount populates based on Animal type. Renewal will already input an amount in Due.

In EERP, neutered or spayed pets can be set to a cheaper price.