No Results found in GL Distribution by Workday Report when defining Object code

Description of Issue

When running the GL Distribution by Workday Report, if I define an Object code, the report displays, No Results Found

  • Enterprise ERP 

  • Human Capital Management

  • Payroll

  • Payroll Reports

  • End Of Period Reports

  • GL Distribution by Workday


When creating the GL Distribution by Workday, if an Object Code or Object Code Range is defined the report will produce 0 results .

If the Object Code range is removed and the report run for the same date span, the report will create and will include the Object codes that were originally defined when creating the report.

  • When an Org, Obj, or other range is defined when creating the GL distribution by Workday report, the Report will filter the results by payroll Employee and Vendor checks, advices and invoices issued within the defined date range.

  • When no range is defined, the GL Distribution by Workday will display all results from Earnings and Deductions.

  • If checks, advices or invoices were not issued from the account segments defined, the report will return no results. 

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